experts please tell me the answer of this

they are produced with the help of bacteria and fungi
Alexander Fleming
Required Answer:
(a) What are the sources to producing antibiotics?
➠ (IV) Bacteria and fungi
Here, we are given 4 options: Fungi, Bacteria, Virus & Bacteria and fungi.
Firstly viruses are never used to produce antibiotics and also antibiotics are not effective on viruses.Generally Bacteria and fungi are the sources that are used to produce antibiotics. Thus only (iv) is the suitable option for this question. So, (iv) is the correct option.
★ Examples of antibiotics made from bacteria are:
- Chloromycetin
- Tetracycline
- Streptomycin
★Example of antibiotic made from fungi are:
- Penicillin
(b) Who discovered first antibiotic?
➠ (iii) Alexander Felming
As (i) is incorrect because Edward Jenner discovered the vaccine (not antibiotic) for small pox (in 1798). (ii) option is incorrect because Robert Koch discovered the bacterium called 'Bacillus Anthracis' which causes anthrax disease. (iv) option is incorrect because Louis Pasteur discovered "fermentation"method in 1857.
Option (iii) , Alexander Fleming was the first one who discovered first antibiotic in 1929 that was penicillin obtained from the penicillium (fungi).
Explore more in ScieNce!
What are microorganisms?
⟹ Microorganisms are those organisms that can't be seen by the naked eyes because they are too small. Microscope is needed to see microorganisms.
Classification of microorganisms:
⟹ Microorganisms are generally classified in 5 groups:
- Bacteria (lactobacillus, escherichia coli.)
- Protozoa (amoeba, plasmodium)
- Fungi (bread mould, mushroom)
- Algae (blue green algae, volvox)
- Virus