explain about joint sector industries
Joint sector industries-
The industries which are owned collectively by the government increases and by private companies,who have conributed to the capital
In the joint sector both the private and publiv sector work jointly
Meaning of Joint Sector:
The joint sector represents a new ideology of economic management geared to sub serve a new economic system.
The term is applied to an undertaking only when both its ownership and control are effectively shared between public sector agencies on the one hand and a private group on the other.
The basic idea underlying the concept is combination of joint ownership, joint control and professional management.
Definition of Joint Sector:
The Dutt Committee (Industrial Licensing Policy Inquiry Committee) has defined the concept of the joint sector in the following terms:
The joint sector would include units in which both public and private investments have taken place and where the state takes an active part in direction and control.
According to JRD Tata a joint sector enterprise is intended to form a partnership between the private sector and the Govt. in which the govt. participation of the capital will not be less than 26 p.c., the routine management will be normally in the hands of the private sector partner and control and supervision will be duly exercised by a governing board on which Government is adequately represented.
The Tata concept of joint sector is heavily private sector oriented, whereas the Dutt Committee concept of the joint sector was public sector oriented and aimed at curbing concentration of industries in the private sector.