explain any four major challenges faced by Indian agriculture
Indian agriculture is plagued by many problems or challenges. I have tried to point out few which might differ from region to region and farmer to farmer.
Small and fragmented land holdings. Average size of land holding in India is about 1.1 hectares.
Poor land reforms. No more than 4.9% of farmers control 32% of India’s farmland. A “large” farmer in India has 45 times more land than the “marginal” farmer.
Instability, as the agriculture in India is monsoon dependent which results in fluctuation of production year after year which ultimately leads to change in prices of food grains and other agricultural commodities.
Condition of Agriculture labourers. The problem of surplus labour and disguised employment is prevalent.
Relying on old techniques of farming-Most of the farmers in India are still relying on old techniques of farming. Proper crop protection protocols are not followed. Seed replacement rate is very low thus they end up sowing poor quality seeds.Still flooding is preferred over other improved methods of irrigation. Use of inefficient farm equipments.
Inadequate water supply.
Harvest and Post harvest losses accounts for some Rs. 92,651 crores annualy.
Following were the challenges faces by the Indian agriculture:
1. They had to pay high taxes to the land owners .
2. They had no money to take the costly fertilizers and chemicals for the plants .
3.They were not able to manage labours for irrigation.
4. They had to sell the goods to the people at very low cost by this they were not able to earn more money.
Hope it help