explain any steps taken by the government to protect the natural vegetation and wild life
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Vegetation means the plant life of a region or the plant community. ... When you say vegetation you do not think of any species composition, life forms, structure, spatial extent, "naturalness", or any other specific botanical or geographic characteristics.
Save money on site stabilization.
Help reduce soil erosion.
Save money on landscaping costs.
Provide areas for wildlife.
Provide buffers and screens against noise. Preserving natural vegetation also moderates temperature changes and provides shade and cover habitat for surface waters and land.
Protecting wildlife has never been so essential in the history of humanity and for the sake of humanity. Human beings are currently causing the greatest mass extinction of species since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago at rates 1000 to 10,000 times faster than normal. The 2012 update of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species shows that of the 63,837 species examined worldwide, 19,817 are threatened with extinction - nearly a third of the total, including 41% of amphibian species, 33% of reef building corals, 30% of conifers, 25% of mammals, 13% of birds and one in five plant species. Compared to the natural background rate of one extinction per million species per year, we are now losing 30,000 species per year, or three species per hour, which isfaster than new species can evolve. If present trends continue, scientists warn that within a few decades, at least half of all plant and animal species on Earth will be extinct, as a result of climate change, habitat loss,pollution, acidifying oceans, invasive species, over-exploitation of natural resources, overfishing,poaching and human overpopulation. Learn more.
"Each one [of the Earth's 5 million invertebrate species] plays a role in its ecosystem. It's like we're tearing the cogs out of a great machine. The machine might work after you tear out ten cogs, but what happens when you tear out a hundred?" ~ Scott Black, Xerces Society
Why Protect Wildlife?
Mass Extinction
"Keel-billed toucans inhabit tropical forests from Mexico to Venezuela and subsist on a diet of fruits and berries. Poor flyers, toucans move mostly by hopping around trees. Their remarkable bill is lightweight and serves as the perfect tool for reaching small fruits. The bird’s raucous cries and brilliant colors make its presence known throughout the rain forest. Toucans are increasingly threatened by deforestation of their habitat and illegal capture for the wild bird trade." ~WWF
Mountain Gorilla Status: Critically Endangered With only around 880 gorillas left in the wild, discover why these animals matter and how you can help! WWF: Mountain Gorilla
Discover The Many Actions You Can Take To Help Save Wildlife And The Ecosystems They And We Depend On
"To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, that is to have succeeded." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Adopt an Acre of Tropical Forest
For only $15, your donation will allow Conservation International to protect an entire acre of natural habitat for many threatened and endangered species, preserve the livelihoods and incomes of local communities and help curb climate change.
Endangered Species Act Legacy Pled
Sign the Endangered Species Act Legacy Pledge to uphold this vital piece of legislation, which was passed in 1973, to halt the rapid loss of plant and animal life. Known as the "crown jewel" of U.S. environmental laws, the ESA has been responsible for saving many species formerly on the brink of extinction
Save money on site stabilization.
Help reduce soil erosion.
Save money on landscaping costs.
Provide areas for wildlife.
Provide buffers and screens against noise. Preserving natural vegetation also moderates temperature changes and provides shade and cover habitat for surface waters and land.
Protecting wildlife has never been so essential in the history of humanity and for the sake of humanity. Human beings are currently causing the greatest mass extinction of species since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago at rates 1000 to 10,000 times faster than normal. The 2012 update of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species shows that of the 63,837 species examined worldwide, 19,817 are threatened with extinction - nearly a third of the total, including 41% of amphibian species, 33% of reef building corals, 30% of conifers, 25% of mammals, 13% of birds and one in five plant species. Compared to the natural background rate of one extinction per million species per year, we are now losing 30,000 species per year, or three species per hour, which isfaster than new species can evolve. If present trends continue, scientists warn that within a few decades, at least half of all plant and animal species on Earth will be extinct, as a result of climate change, habitat loss,pollution, acidifying oceans, invasive species, over-exploitation of natural resources, overfishing,poaching and human overpopulation. Learn more.
"Each one [of the Earth's 5 million invertebrate species] plays a role in its ecosystem. It's like we're tearing the cogs out of a great machine. The machine might work after you tear out ten cogs, but what happens when you tear out a hundred?" ~ Scott Black, Xerces Society
Why Protect Wildlife?
Mass Extinction
"Keel-billed toucans inhabit tropical forests from Mexico to Venezuela and subsist on a diet of fruits and berries. Poor flyers, toucans move mostly by hopping around trees. Their remarkable bill is lightweight and serves as the perfect tool for reaching small fruits. The bird’s raucous cries and brilliant colors make its presence known throughout the rain forest. Toucans are increasingly threatened by deforestation of their habitat and illegal capture for the wild bird trade." ~WWF
Mountain Gorilla Status: Critically Endangered With only around 880 gorillas left in the wild, discover why these animals matter and how you can help! WWF: Mountain Gorilla
Discover The Many Actions You Can Take To Help Save Wildlife And The Ecosystems They And We Depend On
"To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, that is to have succeeded." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Adopt an Acre of Tropical Forest
For only $15, your donation will allow Conservation International to protect an entire acre of natural habitat for many threatened and endangered species, preserve the livelihoods and incomes of local communities and help curb climate change.
Endangered Species Act Legacy Pled
Sign the Endangered Species Act Legacy Pledge to uphold this vital piece of legislation, which was passed in 1973, to halt the rapid loss of plant and animal life. Known as the "crown jewel" of U.S. environmental laws, the ESA has been responsible for saving many species formerly on the brink of extinction
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Government had made laws for killing animals or cutting plants. A person who is killing animals should be punished. Wildlife sanctuaries and National Parks are made for conserving animals and vegetation also. ... The hunters are not allowed to go in National parks or wildlife sanctuaries.
hope this will help u ❤️❤️
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