explain any three features of india n constitution
Answer:(i) It establishes a Sovereign Democratic Republic in India
(ii) It establishes a secular state in India
(iii) It provides Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties.
i The Constitution begins with a short statement called the preamble. Sovereign means people have supreme right to make decisions on internal as well as external matter. No external power can dictate the government of India. Democratic means a form of government where people enjoy equal political rights elect their rulers and hold them accountable. Republic means the head of the state is an elected person and it is not a hereditary position.
ii Secular means citizens have complete freedom to follow any religion – Government treats all religious beliefs and practices with equal respect.
iii The Indian constitution provides justice – social economic and political.Liberty of thought expression belief faith and worship. Equality of status and opportunity.Fraternity assuring dignity of the individual and unity and integrity of the nation.
Rajya Sabha
Lok Sabha