Explain any three growth relevant movements in plants
1-Growth relevant movement- also called trophic movement which are cause d by growth of a plant part. e.g growth of leaves in a plant. 2- growth irrelevant movement- also called nastic movements and are not influenced by growth. e.g folding of leaves of plant mimosa pudica or chui mui.
Phototropism (light)
Geotropism (gravity)
Hydrotropism (water )
Chemotropism (chemicals)
Thigmotropism (touch)
Phototropism – It is the movement of plants in response to light. The shoot system of a plant exhibits this characteristic. The shoot moves towards the light.
Geotropism – It is the movement of a plant part towards the soil. This is a characteristic of the root system. The roots always move in the direction of the earth’s gravity.
Hydrotropism– It is the movement of a plant towards the water. The stimulus here is water.
Chemotropism – It is the movement of plants in response to a chemical stimulus. A classic example of this type of movement is the growth of the pollen tube towards the ovule, during fertilization, in a flower.
Thigmotropism – It is a directional movement in plants in response to touch. For e.g. the plant tendrils climb around any support which they touch.