Chemistry, asked by nainaagarwal5123, 11 months ago

Explain avagadros law with examples


Answered by dashley

Avogadro's gas law states the volume of a gas is proportional to the number of moles of gas present when the temperature and pressure are held constant. This example problem demonstrates how to use Avogadro's law to deterAvogadro's Law Problem

A 6.0 L sample at 25°C and 2.00 atm of pressure contains 0.5 mole of a gas. If an additional 0.25 mole of gas at the same pressure and temperature are added, what is the final total volume of the gas?


First, express Avogadro's law by its formula:

Vi/ni = Vf/nf


Vi = initial volume

ni = initial number of moles

Vf = final volume

nf = final number of moles

For this example, Vi = 6.0 L and ni = 0.5 mole. When 0.25 mole is added:

nf = ni + 0.25 mole

nf = 0.5 mole = 0.25 mole

nf = 0.75 mole

The only variable remaining is the final volume.

Vi/ni = Vf/nf

Solve for Vf

Vf ​= Vinf/ni

V​f = (6.0 L x 0.75 mole)/0.5 mole

Vf = 4.5 L/0.5 Vf = 9 L

Check to see if the answer makes sense. You would expect the volume to increase if more gas is added. Is the final volume greater than the initial volume? Yes. Doing this check is useful because it is easy to put the initial number of moles in the numerator and the final number of moles in the denominator. If this had happened, the final volume answer would have been smaller than the initial volume.

Thus, the final volume of the gas is 9.0mine the volume of a gas when more gas is added to the system.

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