English, asked by boscodsantos49, 1 year ago

Explain casibianca poem


Answered by sainiharshit170

The boy stood on the burning deck,

Whence all but he had fled;

The flame that lit the battle’s wreck

Shone round him o’er the dead.

Reference to Context:

These lines have been taken from the poem “Casabianca” written by Felicia Dorothea Hemans.

In the poem poetess conveys the message of bravery, sacrifice, responsibility, patriotism and discipline through the story of Casabianca.


In these lines poetess tells that Casabianca was standing on the board of the ship which was on fire. He was standing alone while all others had left the ship. The flames of fire rising on all sides. These flames were shining over dead bodies of the soldiers killed in the battle.

2. Yet beautiful and bright he stood,

As born to rule the storm,

A creature of Heroic blood

A proud, through child – like form.

Reference to Context:

These lines have been taken from the poem “Casabianca” written by Felicia Dorothea Hemans.

In the poem poetess conveys the message of bravery, sacrifice, responsibility, patriotism and discipline through the story of Casabianca.


In these lines poetess tells that the boy stood on the board of the ship inspite of burning flames. He looked very hardsome in the light of these flames. It seemed that he was born to govern over storms. He had inherited nobility from his fore fathers. Though he was of tender age, he looked brave and proud to carry out the command of father.

3. The flames rolled on – he would not go

Without his father’s word

That father faint in death below

His voice no longer heard.

Reference to Context:

These lines have been taken from the poem “Casabianca” written by Felicia Dorothea Hemans.

In the poem poetess conveys the message of bravery, sacrifice, responsibility, patriotism and discipline through the story of Casabianca.


In these lines poetess says that flames rushed at Casabianca. But he had resolved not to leave the place unless his father permitted him. His father was laying dead in the lower part of the ship so his voice could be heard no more.

4. He called aloud: “Say father! Say

If yet my task is done?”

He knew no that the chief tain lay

Unconscious of his son.

Reference to Context:

These lines have been taken from the poem “Casabianca” written by Felicia Dorothea Hemans.

In the poem poetess conveys the message of bravery, sacrifice, responsibility, patriotism and discipline through the story of Casabianca.


In these lines poetess tells that the boy called his father in a loud voice. He asked whether, the duty assigned to him was complete or not. He did not know that commander of the ship was unaware about the condition of his son.

5. “Speak father!” Once again he cried.

“If I may yet be gone”!

And but the booming shots replied,

And fast the flames rolled on.

Reference to Context:

These lines have been taken from the poem “Casabianca” written by Felicia Dorothea Hemans.

In the poem poetess conveys the message of bravery, sacrifice, responsibility, patriotism and discipline through the story of Casabianca.


In these lines poetess tells that the boy again cried and asked his father if he could go. He wanted to say more but his voice was drowned in the midst of heavy noise of guns and the flames rushed on very fast.

6. Upon his brow he felt their breath,

And in his waving hair,

And looked from that lone post of death,

In still, yet brave despair.

Reference to Context:

These lines have been taken from the poem “Casabianca” written by Felicia Dorothea Hemans.

In the poem poetess conveys the message of bravery, sacrifice, responsibility, patriotism and discipline through the story of Casabianca.


In these lines poetess says that the flames rushed at the boy. He felt their heat on his fore head and in waving hair. Though he knew, that his death was near but he stood quite and calm. He looked around him from place of death with bold heart though he was disappointed.

7. And shouted but once more aloud

“My father! Must I stay”?

While o’er him fast, through sail and shroud

The wreathing fires made way.

Reference to Context:

These lines have been taken from the poem “Casabianca” written by Felicia Dorothea Hemans.

In the poem poetess conveys the message of bravery, sacrifice, responsibility, patriotism and discipline through the story of Casabianca.


In these lines poetess says that the boy once again cried out in loud voice. He wanted to know if it was necessary for him to stay there. Just then the flames rushed through sails and ropes.

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