explain different types of fishries
Here it is...
There are two main types of fisheries: Inland fisheries and marine fisheries. Inland or Fresh Water Fisheries: ... Potentially, the vast and varied inland fishery resources of India are one of the richest in the world. They pertain to two types of waters, namely, the fresh and the brackish.
Otherwise there are also many fisheries... Such as..
1)Rod Fisheries for Salmon and Trout: anglers have fished with rod and line in Scotland for hundreds of years. The number of anglers has increased in recent years and the sport continues to grow.
2)Net Fisheries for Salmon: net Fisheries include the traditional methods of fishing for salmon: net and coble, and fixed engines, such as bag nets and stake nets. Drift-net fishing for salmon off the coast of Scotland was prohibited in 1962, and the ban remains in force. The net fishery has declined in recent years, with the number of nets deployed now only about one-third of that recorded a decade earlier.
But the 2 main are given above..