Explain home interview method of survey in urban transportation
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Home-interview survey is one of the most reliable type of surveys for collection of origin
and destination data. The survey is essentially intended to yield data on the travel pattern of the
residents of the household and the general characteristics of the household influencing tripmaking.
The information on the travel pattern includes number of trips made, their origin and
destination, purpose of trip, travel mode, time of departure from origin and time of arrival at
destination and so on. The information on household characteristics includes type of dwelling
unit, number of residents, age, sex, race, vehicle ownership, number of drivers, family income
and so on. Based on these data it is possible to relate the amount of travel to household and zonal
characteristics and develop equations for trip generation rates.
It is impractical and unnecessary to interview all the residents of the study area. Since
travel patterns tend to be uniform in a particular zone. The size of the sample is usually
determined on the basis of the population of the study area.