Explain how are root modified to perform various functions
pata nahi
absorb water
absorb minerals
absorb nitrogen
for hrowtj
⟶ The underground part of the flowering plant is called root.
⟶ There are two types of roots, they are :-
- Tap root
- Fibrous root
⟶ Root of some plants change their shap and structure to perform some addition functions, by absorption and conduction such types lg modification is known as root modification.
⭐ Types of root modification and it's function :-
There are 8 types of root modification they are :-
- Storage roots
- Prop roots
- Stilt roots
- Respiratory roots
- Velamen roots
- Parasite roots
- Nodular roots
- Photosynthetic roots
⟶ Roots of some plants store food materials.
⟶ Due to this they are swollen.
⟶ Ex :- Carrot
⟶ Roots of some trees arise from heavy branches.
⟶ They hang in air and enter into soil.
⟶ They give pillar like support to the heavy branches.
⟶ Ex :- Banyan tree
⟶ Roots of some plants arise from the lower nodes of the stem.
⟶ They give mechanical support of the plant.
⟶ Ex :- Sugarcane
⟶ Roots of some plants grow in swampy area.
⟶ They grow vertically upwards in to the air.
⟶ Their openings on their surfaces help to get oxygen for respiration.
⟶ Ex :- Avicenna
⟶ Roots of some plants are found on the branches of other plants.
⟶ The function of these adventitious roots is to absorb moisture from atmosphere.
⟶ Ex :- Vanda
⟶ The plants that are depend upon some other plants for their food and water called parasite plants.
⟶ They are two types :-
- Complete parasite
- Partial parasite
⟶ Ex :- Cuscuta, Viscum
⟶ Roots having nodules are called nodular roots.
⟶ These are present in the members of Fabaceae.
⟶ Rhizobium bacteria live in the root nodules and they fix atmospheric nitrogen.
⟶ Ex :- Groundnut
⟶ Roots of some plants become chlorophyllous.
⟶ In these plants normal, green leaves are reduced.
⟶ They perform photosynthesis.
⟶ Ex :- Taeniophyllum