explain how iltutmish was able to check the Mongol treat to his Empire
Once Mongol chief Chenghiz Khan reached the borders of India in search of the Shah of Persia who fled towards India to get shelter but Iltutmish politely refused the Mongol chief to provide refuge and in this way he saved the threat of Mongol invasion.
IItumish successfully defeated most of his enimies and suppressed several revolts.One of his tactical achievements was the denial of refuge to Jalaluddin, the ruler of Iran who was being pursued by Chenghez Khan in AD1221. Illtutmish feared a possible Mongol attack on India in case of providing shelter to Jalaluddin. He thus acted wisely and saved his kingdom from a possible Mongol attack.
Illtutmish feared a possible Mongol attack on India in case of providing shelter to Jalaluddin. He thus acted wisely and saved his kingdom from a possible Mongol attack.