explain how to get maximum yeild of products in MPV reduction
The Meerwein–Ponndorf–Verley (MPV) reduction in organic chemistry is the reduction of ketones and aldehydes to their corresponding alcohols utilizing aluminium alkoxide catalysis in the presence of a sacrificial alcohol.[1] The advantages of the MPV reduction lie in its high chemoselectivity, and its use of a cheap environmentally friendly metal catalyst.
The MPV reduction was discovered by Meerwein and Schmidt, and separately by Verley in 1925. They found that a mixture of aluminium ethoxide and ethanol could reduce aldehydes to their alcohols.[2][3] Ponndorf applied the reaction to ketones and upgraded the catalyst to aluminium isopropoxide in isopropanol.[4]
The Mermen–Ponders–Verily (MPV) reduction in organic chemistry is the reduction of ... The MPV reduction is believed to go through a catalytic cycle involving a six-member ring transition Starting ... This means that given time the more thermodynamically stable product