English, asked by moonssimile, 9 months ago

explain how todays managers use scientific manaagement & general administrative theory?


Answered by iampriyanka1

 \huge \boxed{answer}

HOW TODAY'S MANAGERS USE THE SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT: 1.use time and motion studies toraise productivity. 2. Hire best qualified workers for job. 3. Design incentive systems based on output.GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE THEORY: this approach focused more on what managers do and whatconstituted good management practice. The two most prominent individuals behind this approach were:Henri Fayol and Max Weber.HENRI FAYOL: HE BELIEVED THAT PRACTICE MANAGEMENT WAS DISTINCT FROM ALLDIFFERENT BUSINESS FUNCTIONS. ALSO HE DEVELOPED 14 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT INORDER TO HELP MANAGERS MANAGE THEIR AFFAIRS MORE AFFECTIVELY. THESE FOURTEENPRINCIPLES INCLUDE:1-Division of work 2-Delegation of Authority 3-Discipline 4-Chain of commands 5-Congenial workplace 6-Interrelation between individual interests and common organizational goals 7-Compensation package 8-Centralization 9-Scalar chains 10-Order 11-Equity 12-Job Guarantee 13-Initiatives 14-Team-SpiritFAYOL DIFFERED FROM SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT BECAUSE HE FOCUSED ON EFFICIENCYTHROUGH MANAGEMENT TRAINING AND BEHAVIORAL CHARACTERISTICS.MAX WEBER: he developed a theory of authority structures based on an ideal type of organizationcalled (Bureaucracy). Although emphasize rationality, predictability, technical competence, andauthoritarianism. Bureaucracy should have: 1-division of labor 2-career orientation 3-impresonality 4-fromal rules and regulations 5-formal selection 6-authority hierarchy

HOW TODAY DO MANAGERS USE GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE THEORIES: they use generaladministrative theory when they perform the function of management and structure their organization sothat resources are used effectively and efficiently.QUANTITATIVE APPROACHDuring World War II, mathematicians, physicists, and other scientists joined together to solve militaryproblems. The quantitative school of management is a result of the research conducted during WorldWar II. The quantitative approach to management involves the use of quantitative techniques, such asstatistics, information models, optimization models, and computer simulations, to improve decisionmaking. This school consists of several branches, described in the following sections:Linear programming is techniques that mangers use to improve decision making process in terms ofmanpower requirements, improve scheduling and recourse allocation.Total quality management "TQM" is techniques that is used by organization to continuously improveresponding to customer's needs and expectation. The Customers is anyone who interacts internally andexternally with the organization's product and service. Internal customers are the employee of theorganization and the external customers are the people who purchase the goods or services of theorganization.

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