explain human respiratory system with diagram
human respiratory system
•opening through which air is taken
•fine hairs present filters the air taken in
nasal cavity
•cavity where air reaches to nostrils
•common passage for food and air
•air goes to tranchea
•air passes from pahrynx to this pipe
•C shaped rings of cartilage present(prevents trachea to collapse when there is no air)
•spongy and elastic organ
•located in thoracic cavity
•trachea divides into thinner tubes called bronchi as it enters thoracic cavity
bronchioles and alveoli
•each bronchioles further divides into finer branches called bronchioles
•each bronchioles ends in cluster of tiny air chambers called alveoli
alveoli provide a surface area where •exchange of gases can take place
walls of alveoli contain an extensive network of blood vessles called cappilaries(these blood vessles help in exchange of gases)
•actual exchange of gases take place b/w alveoli and blood vessles called capillaries