Explain in brief the provisions made under Alt 25-28 with reference to right to freedom of religion. (Topic: Fundamental Rights of Citizens Under Constitution)
Articles 25-28 and Right to Freedom of Religion in India ... The Constitution 42nd amendment Act made the above thought “explicit” ... way violate the religious rights of any person as enshrined under Article 25 of the Constitution. ... issue directions in respect of controlling noise pollution even if such noise ...
Article number 25 to 28 of the Indian constitution deals with one of the fundamental Rights under the category of Right to freedom of Religion.
The constitution has mentioned six fundamental rights to its each and every citizen. Under the heading to Right to freedom of Religion, no specific religion will be given priority in the state. A secular state does not mean an anti-religious state.
Therefore, every person has the absolute right to practice himself without harming his income, morality and health. No one is bound to follow a particular religion. All the citizens are to free follow and practice the religion which they want to follow.