English, asked by rohitraj5, 1 year ago

explain in your own words : please leave all that to me another question- I have also made up my mind


Answered by EmoLord
• Please leave all that to me means a person is saying to another person to don't worry about the thing and that he'll do it.
• I have also made up my mind - It means the person has also decided what he'll do.

Answered by Anonymous
1. The person wants the listener to leave all the work/worries for him for he feels that he can handle them efficiently

2.The person has made his mind to do/follow something and he is too obdurate and firm in his decision to be stopped by anyone

EmoLord: Better than mine.
EmoLord: But I'll grow.
Anonymous: You're growing faster than me! And that makes me proud of my brother!
EmoLord: Aww
EmoLord: *wipes a tear*
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