Physics, asked by siddharthprasad371, 11 months ago

Explain Magnetic field in detail.​


Answered by Anonymous

A magnetic field is a vector field that describes the magnetic influence on an electric charge of other moving charges or magnetized materials. ... The effects of magnetic fields are commonly seen in permanent magnets, which pull on magnetic materials such as iron, and attract or repel other magnets, creating a torque.

Answered by Anonymous



  • Magnetic field is an effect around a permanent magnet or a moving charge due to which ferromagnetic objects like some metals get attracted, and diamagnetic substances gets repelled, when placed in the magnetic field.
  • A charge in motion generates magnetic field, just like a charge at rest generates an electric field
  • Magnetic field at a point r is denoted by B(r). It is a vector quantity, just like electric field E(r)
  • Magnetic field can change with both distance and time.

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