Social Sciences, asked by bhavayjoshi2007, 7 months ago

Explain major landmarks in the field of agricultural development. please tell it's important ​


Answered by sujatakadali


Disinvestment refers to the use of a concerted economic boycott to pressure a government, industry, or company towards a change in policy, or in the case of governments, even regime change.

Answered by Anonymous


While the discussion about Africa’s future agricultural development has focused mainly on the role of small farms, increased investor interest suggests that there could be real potential in larger scale commercial investments in the Continent. A key question is what policies and institutions are necessary to enable countries to get the most out of these investments in terms of economic development and food security. This chapter focuses on how private investors and governments in Africa can work with each other to overcome bottlenecks in commercial agriculture. It discusses mechanisms to coordinate interdependent private and public investments, especially in infrastructure, select investors well, and mitigate the social risks associated with the change in land governance. It also explores ideas for collective governance mechanisms beyond government. Infusing the literature on agricultural development with that of industrial organization and policy and natural resource management leads one to view agriculture as a set of small and large farms that need an enabling policy and institutional environment to increase productivity and shared economic growth.

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