explain merismatic tissue
Meristematic Tissue
→ These are simple living tissues having thin walled compactly arranged immature cells which are capable of division and formation of new cells.
Features of Meristematic tissues:
→ Thin primary cell wall (cellulosic).
→ Intercellular spaces are absent (compact tissue).
→ Generally vacuoles are absent, dense cytoplasm & prominent nuclei are present.
→ Large numbers of cell organelles are present.
→ Active metabolic state, stored food is absent.
→ Actively dividing cells are present in growing regions of plants, example: root & shoot tips.
Classification of Meristematic Tissues on the Basis of Origin
• Primary (Promeristem)
→ Derived directly from the meristems of embryo.
→ They consist of cells derived from primary meristem.
→ They add to primary growth of plants.
• Secondary Meristematic Tissues
→ Formed by permanent tissues.
→ These are having cells derived from primary permanent tissue.
→ They usually add to the diameter of plants.
⚡Here is your answer⚡
Merismatic tissue :-
- Merismatic cells are generally small and cuboidal with large nucleus ,small values and thin walls.
- A plant has four types of meristems.
- It is present in apical region