explain Montague Chelmsford reform or government of India 1909 ?
Montagu chelmsford Reform -1919
Montagu was the secretary of state and Chelmsford was the then viceroy.
1) This reform seperated central and provincial subject .
and also it relaxed province from central control.
2) It further divided provincial Subject into
a) Transfered subject
b) Reserved subject
These dual scheme of governance was known as 'Dyarchy'.
3) Introduction of Bicameralism and direct election . i.e. Upper house and Lower house.
4)It extended communal representaion by providing seperate election for sikhs, christans and Anglo Indian .
5) established central public commission for recruting civil servants.
6) It seperated provincial budgets from central budgets .
7)Granted franchise to limited people on basis of tax , property or education.
8) created a new office in London and transfered him some functions of secretary of state
here is your answer. I hope it is correct