Explain organ specific and tissue specific manifestation in detail?
with example?
Answer: When a microorganism infects the whole organ in a particular disease, it is said to be organ-specific manifestation. For example, if lungs are the target, then the symptoms of the disease would be cough and breathlessness.
Explanation: Similarly, when a microbe infects a specific cell or tissue in a particular disease, it is said t o be tissue-specific manifestation.For example, inflammation is due to the escape of some chemicals such as histamine and 5′-hydroxytrptoamine from the damaged tissues. The consequent swelling of the area is called inflammation.
Hope this is helpful to you :-)
Organ and tissue-specific manifestation refer to the areas where microorganisms affect either a certain organ or a certain tissue or cell in a person's body. Organ-specific manifestation is when the microorganisms affect a whole organ of one, for example, the lungs or kidney