• Radicals
• Liberals
• Conservatives
• Democrats
• Revolutionaries
• Socialists
• Nationalists
NCERT History – IXth
India and the Contemporary World - I
Topic: Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution.
• Radicals
➲ They accepted the immediate change in the society. They were in favour of the government where the government should be elected by the majority of the population and women can also be participate in that. The idea for concentration of property only for rich individuals was opposed by them.
• Liberals
➲ They were the people who accepted small change in the society. The wanted to create the society which accepted all the religion and read all the religion with equal respect. They favoured only propertied man to cast vote but women were not included. They were against monarchy, dynasty rulers and idea of universal adult franchise.
• Conservatives
➲ They were the people who oppose or discard the idea of changes. After French Revolution, the agreed to gradual changes in the society, but the many believed to preserve the past. They mainly comprise the people of higher society and nobility. They were in favour of monarchy and were against the radicals and liberals. They mainly comprise of the people of higher rank or nobility.
• Democrats
➲ Democrat is is a person who believe in the rule of democracy or the rule of the people. Social democrats disagreed with social revolutionaries about the peasants.
• Revolutionaries
➲ A person who wants to bring political change or reform. Social democrats and social revolutionaries worked together with the peasants and workers to demand for their own constitution during the revolt of 1905.
• Socialists
➲ A people who practices socialism or they state the means of making , trading, giving wealth should be owned by worker themselves. The socialist revolutionaries and social democratic together struggled for peasants rights.
• Nationalists
➲ Nationalists concentrated on the revolution to create nation which is governed by the people of nation itself and free from any outside interference i.e, they talk about independent nation.
Radicals- During the 19th century in the United Kingdom, continental Europe and Latin America, the term radical came to denote a progressive liberal ideology inspired by the French revolution.
Liberals- It is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.
Conservatives- It is a political and social philosophy promoting traditional social institutions.
Democrats- Democratic party officials often trace it's origins to the inspiration of the Democratic-Republican party, founded by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other influential opponents of the federalist.
Revolutionaries- It refers to a movement, often violent, to overthrow an old regime and effect.
Socialists- It is a economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and democratic workers.
Nationalist- A person who strongly identifies with their own and vigorously supports it's interest.