Sociology, asked by raviverma25210, 9 months ago

.. Explain the AGIL model.
AGIL के प्रतिरुप की व्याख्या करें।​


Answered by krnavya3


The AGIL paradigm is a sociological scheme created by American sociologist Talcott Parsons in the 1950s. ... It is a systematic depiction of certain societal functions, which every society must meet to be able to maintain stable social life.

Answered by pratyush15899


  • The heuristic scheme Parsons used to analyze systems and subsystems is called the "AGILParadigm", "AGIL scheme".

It is important tounderstand that AGIL model is an analytical scheme for the sake of theoretical"production," it is not any simply "copy" or any direct historical "summary" of empiricalreality. Also the scheme itself doesn't explain "anything" as little as the periodical table in thenatural sciences explains anything in and by itself.

The AGIL scheme is a tool forexplanations and no better than the quality of those theories and explanation by which it isprocessed

  • :The pure AGIL model for all living systems:

(A) Adaptation : The system must cope with situational needs coming from the outside. Hehad to adapt and adjust with environmental needs. For example, one should be able to putthemselves or adapt to the environment in which he lived for survival.

(G) Goal Attainment : The system must define and achieve its main objectives. That is, onemust have a target to achieve in his life. Because if he does not have a target or goal he couldnot survive.

(I) Integration : The system should regulate relations parts into components. He must alsoregulate the relationship between the three functional imperatives.

(L) Pattern maintenance. (L stand for "Latent function") : The system must equip, maintain,and update individual motivations and cultural patterns that create and sustain motivation.

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