Computer Science, asked by anoushi755, 10 months ago

Explain the algorithm for the modification of z bus matrix


Answered by nabeel78

ZBUS Formulation: ZBUS Formulation is given by By Inventing YBUS The sparsity of YBUS may be retained by using an efficient inversion technique [1] and nodal impedance matrix can then be calculated directly from the factorized admittance matrix. This is beyond the scope of this book. Current Injection Technique Equation (9.33) can be written in the expanded form It immediately follows from Eq. (9.34) that Also Zij=Zji;(ZBUS is a symmetrical matrix). As per Eq. (9.35) if a unit current is injected at bus (node) j, while the other buses are kept open circuited, the bus voltages yield the values of the jth column of ZBUS • However, no organized computerizable techniques are possible for finding the bus voltages. The technique had utility in AC Network Analyzers where the bus voltages could be read by a voltmeter.

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