Explain the causes of rise of Nationalism in India?
1. Understanding of Contradiction in Indian and Colonial Interests:
People came to realise that colonial rule was the major cause of India’s economic backwardness and that the interests of the Indians involved the interests of all sections and classes. The very condition of British rule helped the growth of national sentiment among the Indian people.
2. Political, Administrative and Economic Unification of the Country:
Nationalist sentiments grew easily among the people because India was unified and welded into a nation during the 19th and 20th centuries. The introduction of a uniform and modern system of government by the British throughout the country unified it administratively.
The destruction of the rural and local self-sufficient economy and the introduction of modern trade and industries on an all- India scale had increasingly made India’s economic life a single whole and interlinked the economic fate of people living in different parts of the country. Furthermore, the introduction of the railways, telegraph and unified postal systems had brought the different parts of the country together and promoted mutual contact among the people, especially among the leaders.
3. Western Thought and Education:
As a result of the spread of modern western education and thought during the 19th century, a large number of Indians imbibed a modern rational, secular, democratic and nationalist political outlook. The spread and popularity of the English language helped nationalist leaders of different linguistic regions to communicate with each other.
Modern education also created a certain uniformity and community of outlook and interests among the educated Indians. This English-educated intelligentsia formed the nucleus for the newly-arising political unrest, and it was this section of the society which provided leadership to the Indian political associations.
4. Rediscovery of India’s Past.
The historical researches by Europeans scholars, such as Max Mueller, Monier Williams, Roth, Sassoon, and by Indian scholars such as R.G. Bhandarkar, R.L. Mitra and later Swami Vivekananda created an entirely new picture of India’s past glory and greatness.
The theory put forward by European scholars that the Indo-Aryans belonged to the same ethnic group of mankind from which stemmed all the nations of Europe gave a psychological boost to educated Indians. All these inspired the educated Indians with a new spirit of patriotism and nationalism.
5. Role of Press and Literature.
With the emergence of the modern press, both English and Vernacular, the latter half of the 19th century saw an unprecedented growth of Indian-owned English and Vernacular newspapers. The Indian Press played a notable role in mobilising public opinion, organising political movements, fighting out public opinions and promoting nationalism.
6. Progressive Character of Socio-Religious Reform Movements.
These reform movements sought to remove social evils which divided the Indian society; this had the effect of bringing different sections of the society together. Since many reform movements drew their inspiration from India’s rich cultural heritage, these promoted pan-Indian feelings and spirit of nationalism.
7. Reactionary Policies and Racial Arrongance of Rulers.
An important factor in the growth of national sentiments in India was the tone of racial superiority adopted by many Englishmen in their dealings with Indians. The reactionary policies of the British government were also responsible for the growth of political associations.
The causes that led to the rising of Nationalism in India is,
- Contradiction against Colonial Interests
- Political, Administration and Economical conditions give rise to situations of Unification
- Education and Western thoughts
- Rediscovering India’s past through scholars and other resources
- Press and Literature influences
- Discrimination and poor policies
- Increase in Socio-religious movements
The colonial interests put in the country were realized by the youth of India that it was not for the progress of the economy instead it stands to progress the imperial rule.
By application of uniforms in work culture, people realized the unity between one another. Education brought knowledge on to distinguish right and wrong acts.
Many leaders and influencers tried reaching common people through the press which iterated the country’s tradition and unity. Many minor movements originated bringing on awareness.