Explain the changes occurring in the temperature of Sea water according to the depth
temperature decreases as deapth increases because sunlight cannot travel deep into the sea .
Temperature of sea water with reference to depth is quite significant than that of surface temperature of the sea water. Temperature of the sea water decreases with increasing depth. However, this change in temperature is not uniform everywhere.
The temperature of the sea water changes rapidly with depth at equatorial areas. Near equator, the surface temperature of the sea water is about 18⁰C. It reduces to 12⁰C at 500m death. It is about 8⁰C at 1000m depth, 5⁰C at 1500m depth and 4⁰Cat 2000m depth. Thus, the variation in the sea in the temperature of the sea water near surface to 2000m depth is 18⁰C and 4⁰C respectively. This variation is about 14⁰C and 4⁰C around mid-latitudinal region. Near polar areas, however, the variation between surface temperature and temperature at depth is nil. Sea water temperature in this region is uniformly seen at 4⁰C.
Most of the surface radiate back from surface of the sea and some of them penetrate to the certain depth in water. The intensity of such sunrays decreases. Hence, after a certain depth, the temperature of the sea water remains same everywhere.