Explain the concept oral source
it is a collection Or study of historical information about individual
The strengths of oral history would be that they are primary and first hand sources, which adds credibility. For example, a WWII veteran would be a much better source of information about the war, then someone who has simply read about it.Oral history enables people to share their stories in their own words, with their own voices, through their own understanding of what hap- pened and why. With careful attention to preserving our sound recordings, the voices of our narrators will endure to speak for them when they are gone.Oral traditions are cultural narratives such as origin stories, myths, and legends that are passed down from generation to generation orally as cultural knowledge. Typically, until the intervention of an outside researcher, oral traditions do not exist in written formThe various forms of literature like owis, folk songs, folk tales, legends, etc. which are traditionally passed on from one generation to the other by the word of mouth are called as oral sources of history. Oral sources reveal various aspects of people's lives
Pre-literate societies, by definition, have no written literature, but may possess rich and varied oral traditions—such as folk epics, folk narratives (including fairy tales and fables), folk drama, proverbs and folksongs—that effectively constitute an oral literature.