Explain the contribution of inventors and scientists to science
"science is our future and is advancing day by day I will keep pursuing these and other fields."
the contribution of inventors and scientists to science, but we would not expect such a lack of cooperation when we take into account the influence of industry on the economy, society, and the overall functioning of the economy itself.
This paper argues that, rather than relying on industrial cooperation, we should consider the impact of innovation during the industrial revolution on the production of goods. Although industrial production, and in particular the creation of manufacturing factories and industrialization as we know it today, resulted in innovations, innovation may not have produced economic benefits comparable to what was generated by innovation in the previous eras.
Economic theory has historically taught us that, although there may have been more economic progress in the past, there were still economic problems.
We now know, however, that it isn't because of technological progress that we have lost economic security and jobs.
The industrial revolution did not, and could not, increase the wealth or output of the U.S. economy.
Instead, it increased the wealth and output of many of the industrialists and manufacturers in the United States. What may have been the benefits of manufacturing, such as jobs, wealth, and employment, was not necessarily what the industrialists or manufacturers saw as its economic value, regardless of their contribution to the outcome.
Thus, when thinking about how to improve the quality of public and private schools, what is important is not how many students might benefit from better education