Geography, asked by TbiaSupreme, 1 year ago

Explain the difference between: Lateral - Medial Moraines.


Answered by aqibkincsem

Lateral and medial moraines comprise rocks and debris which are glacially-transported.

They deposit and form on the sides of glaciers called lateral moraines or at the boundary locations  between two tributary glaciers like medial moraines.

Whatever the cause, they often mark the edges of an huge ice body.

Different types of moraine:

Terminal moraines, found at the terminus or the furthest point of glacier:

Lateral moraines found deposited along the glacier sides.:

Medial moraines are found at the junction point of multiple number of glaciers.

Answered by ChromaticSoul

If a glacier melts, the lateral moraine will often remain as the high rims of a valley. A medial moraine is found on top of and inside an existing glacier. Medial moraines are formed when two glaciers meet. Two lateral moraines from the different glaciers are pushed together

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