Social Sciences, asked by problemskillerkiller, 2 months ago

.Explain the efforts taken by Raja Ram Mohan Roy to remove social evils in India.​


Answered by sedara652


Raja Ram Mohan Roy (22 May 1772 – 27 September 1833) was one of the founders of the Brahmo Sabha, the precursor of the Brahmo Samaj, a social-religious reform movement in the Indian subcontinent. He was given the title of Raja by Akbar II, the Mughal emperor. His influence was apparent in the fields of politics, public administration, education and religion. He was known for his efforts to abolish the practices of sati and child marriage.[1] Raja Ram Mohan Roy is considered to be the "Father of the Bengal Renaissance" by many historians.[

Answered by arthkunder33

Abolition of Sati:

Raja Ram Mohan Roy raised his voice against the Sati system. In the funeral pyre of the deceased husband, his wife was mercilessly thrown if she did not enter into the flame voluntarily. She was termed as Sati. The Brahmins and other higher castes in the society encouraged it.

Ram Mohan protested it vehemently. Even he went to England to give witness before the Privy Council against this cruel practice where the orthodox Indians had appealed hot to repeal his system. His efforts bore fruits and this practice was stopped by an Act passed in 1829 during Lord William Bentinck. Thus, a long prevailing ugly practice of the Hindus was uprooted.

Voice against idolatry:

Ram Mohan raised his voice against idolatry. In his book Tuhfat-ul-Muwahhidin’ he championed the cause of Monotheism. He criticized idol-worship by the Hindus. He also opposed the principle of Trinitariasm’ (God, Son Jesus and the holy spirit) of the Christianity. He rejected polytheism, idol-worship and rituals of different religions. He advocated monotheism or unity among gods. He also advised people to be guided by the conscience. He inspired men to cultivate rationality. To all he appealed to observe the principle of unity of God.

Champion of Women Liberty:

Raja Ram Mohan Roy advocated the liberty of Women. He was determined to give women her proper place in the society. Besides abolishing Sati, he advocated in favor of widow remarriage. He also told that like the sons, daughters have also their right over parental property. He also influenced the British government to bring necessary modification in the existing law. He raised voice against child-marriage and polygamy. He was the advocate of women education. Thus, he advocated women’s liberty out and out and awakened them.

Opposition to Caste System:

The caste system was a very ugly practice prevailing in Indian society right from the later Vedic age. Indian society was fragmented by the name of different castes. The higher castes like Brahmins and Kshatriyas looked down upon the Sudras, Chandalas and other aboriginals. Ram Mohan opposed this ugly system of the Indian society. To him everybody was a son or daughter of the God. So, there is no difference among men.

There should not exist hatred and animosity among them. Everybody is equal before God. Thus, ignoring differences among themselves they should embrace each other ignoring differences. Then, the true purpose of God will be materialized. By advocating this equality among men. Ram Mohan became the eyesore of many higher caste Indians.

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