Sociology, asked by Rhemanth, 1 year ago

explain the factors that effects
the Seasons ​


Answered by XxBrainlySultanxX

many factors combine to influence weather, the four main ones are solar radiation, the amount of which changes with Earth's tilt, orbital distance .the angle that the sunlight hits the Earth's surface throughout the year.Direct sunlight is warmer than sunlight hitting the Earth at an angle.

Answered by alphaak243gmailcom

. The seasons are affected by the amount of sunlight (solar radiation) an area gets throughout the year. Many things contribute to the amount of sunlight that reaches different areas on the Earth. These factors affect the changing seasons: The most important factor is the angle that the sunlight hits the Earth’s surface throughout the year. Direct sunlight is warmer than sunlight

hitting the Earth at an angle. The other factor is length of the day – how long the sun shines on an area each day. Longer days get more sunshine.

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