History, asked by Mitushi2003, 10 months ago

Explain the features of cabinet mission proposal why did the proposal failed? ???


Answered by seemajain0008

Why did the Plan of Cabinet Mission on May 16, 1946 of united India fall apart?

The Cabinet Mission Plan was wrecked on the basic question whether India was to remain united or to be split up to satisfy the Muslim League's demand for Pakistan.The following points will illustrate the answer.

1) Firstly, the Congress rejected the Viceroy's offer to join the Interim Government, because of principle parity with the Muslim League(a communal organization). The Congress also wanteda nationalist Muslim in the Government since the Congress represented the nation and not Hindus alone.

2) The Muslim League, on the other hand, accepted the June 16 statement and demanded the formation of Interim Government. But the Viceroy did not like to do without Congress & postponded the plan.This infuriated the Jinnah and he persisted that the elections to the Constituent Assembly too, should be postponed. Since the Viceroy did not agree to the postponement, the Council of League withdrew its acceptance of the Plan by a resolution passed on July 29, 1946.

3)Despite League’s protests, elections to the Constituent Assembly were not postponed. By the end of July, the elections were completed. Strangely enough’ even Jinnah’s Muslim League participated in the elections, despites its grumbling and unnecessary wrangling. The total number of Congress Members were 205 & that of the Muslim League was 73.

4)Apprehending dominating majority of the Congress in the Constituent Assembly which could enable it to take any decision it might think proper and desirable, the League decided to withdraw its previous support to the Cabinet Mission Plan.Hence the Muslim League rejected the proposals of the Cabinet Mission on July 29, 1946 and resolved to Direct Action on August 16, 1946 to achieve its cherished goal of Pakistan.

5)The Viceroy invited both the Congress & the League to form the Interim Government.The Congress Working Commitee accepted the Viceroy's proposal,formed a Government & acted as a team. At first the League did not agree to join,but later it formed the Interim Government to create problems in the working of the Assembly.

6)Prime Minister Attlee made a last minute bid to save the situation by inviting two representatives each of the Congress and the Muslim League and also a Sikh member of the Interim Government to London for solving the deadlock over proposed move of non-attendance of the meetings of the Constituent Assembly.

7)The Congress Working Committee and the A.I.C.C. were not happy over such an interpretation of the British Government which was in their opinion contrary to the original plan, yet they proceded with the work of the AssemblyThe members drawn from Muslim League absented. Even Nehru's earnest appeal could not make the Muslim League participate.

8)Hence, Attlee took a clear cut decision. Hence, Wavell was replaced by Lord Mountbatten & the mission came to an end.

Plz mark me brainliest answer

Answered by sameera92
The Cabinet Mission of 1946 came to India aimed to discuss the transfer of power from the British government to the Indian leadership, with the aim of preserving India's unity and granting it independence. Formulated at the initiative of Clement Attlee, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the mission had Lord Pethick-Lawrence, the Secretary of State for India, Sir Stafford Cripps, President of the Board of Trade, and A. V. Alexander, the First Lord of the Admiralty. Lord Wavell, the Viceroy of India, did not participate in every step but was present.

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