Biology, asked by kunal3603, 1 year ago

explain the follow 1-stigma 2- style 3-anther 4-filament 5- ovule 6-pedicel


Answered by suniltty180
stigma- bad and often unfair feelings that people in general have about a particular illness, way of behaving, etc.

the way that something is done, built, etc.the part of a flower at the top of a stamen that produces pollen

a thin wire in a light bulb(= the glass part of an electric lamp) that produces light when electricity is passed through it

विद्युत धारा प्रवाहित होने पर बल्‍ब में प्रकाश उत्‍पन्‍न करने वाली महीन तार; फ़िलामेंट

a long thin piece of something that looks like a thread

किसी वस्‍तु का धागे जैसा दीखने वाला लंबा महीन टुकड़ा; तंतु
(in plants that produce seeds) the part of the ovary that contains the female cell that becomes the seed

बीज वाले पौधों में बीजाशम का वह भाग जिसमें मादा कोशिका रहती है जो कि आगे चलकर बीज बनता है;


a small stalk-like structure connecting an organ or other part to the human or animal body.


part of a graft, especially a skin graft, left temporarily attached to its original site.

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