English, asked by dhammapriyo, 10 months ago

explain the following Idea into two paragraphs :man is known by the company he keeps​


Answered by kanakmgupta

man is influence by his surrounding and the people. He is shouldered by companions and enriched by their thoughts. It is not always possible for his companions to be idealist or mentors some may misguide him or feed him with troubles. Hence man is known by the company he keeps. If the company is good then it will be his upliftment that will be  reflected or download indicates his bad company. Also give some fictional story to make it point worthy

Answered by SelieVisa


A man is known by the company he keeps

"A man is known by the company he keeps" is an age old and popular proverb of wisdom. It means that the character of a person is revealed by the type of friends he mingle with. In other words, if you want to know who a person really is, you only have to check the kind of friends he keeps.

Birds of the feathers flock together. Lambs don’t make friends with wolves, nor doves with hawks. A good person will not spend his time following or doing what bad people do. A righteous man detests the company of criminals whose activities are inhuman, immoral and detrimental to the society.

We are naturally inclined to other people whose interests are similar to our own. Having similiar point of views and outlook on life, the bond of friendship between them would be strengthened. Good company is important for the image of a person in a community. Hence, it is important for us to choose our friends carefully.

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