Computer Science, asked by kartik201487, 8 months ago

Explain the four models of E governance​


Answered by divyatilakdhari


Vaani Jain

Assistant Professor, Mahaveer College of Commerce, Jaipur

Abstract- Online working of a government or providing its services online to its citizens at their door step is known as E-Governance. E-Governance is E-Commerce technology means online availability of government services. The technology and the methods used in E-Governance project provide a roadmap for efficient delivery of services at the door step. In today’s time the development of any country depends on the uses of E-Governance and also their penetration. Development of any country can be judge by the scope of E-Governance in that country. Moreover, today’s government has also full faith in E-Governance and its widespread network across the world proves it. E-government security is a key problem to restrict the construction and development of E-government systems in any country over the world.


Electronic governance or e-governance is the application of information and communication technology (ICT) for delivering government services, exchange of information, communication transactions, integration of various stand-alone systems and services between government-to-citizen (G2C), government-to-business (G2B), government-to-government (G2G), government-to-employees (G2E) as well as back office processes and interactions within the entire government framework. Through e-governance, government services will be made available to citizens in a convenient, efficient and transparent manner. The three main target groups that can be distinguished in governance concepts are government, citizens and businesses/interest groups. According to the World Bank, e-Governance is defined as “e-Governance refers to the use by government agencies of information technologies (such as Wide Area Networks, the Internet, and mobile computing) that have the ability to transform relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government. These technologies can serve a variety of different ends: better delivery of government services to citizens, improved interactions with business and industry, citizen empowerment through access to information, or more efficient government management. The resulting benefits can be less corruption, increased transparency, greater convenience, revenue growth, and/or cost reductions.” However, the concept of e-Governance has no specific definition; because it is defined by objective of activities rather than by the technology, therefore it requires broad definition and wider understanding for a government to implement it successfully.To guide and benchmark e-Governance development, researchers and academia proposed different types of e-Governance system development models, so called maturity models.

A. Adaptive E-Government Maturity (AEM) Model

The AEM model is a theoretical model based on sequential multistage methodology. The purpose of the model is to identify the key practices required to make e-government services more user centric through personalization. Additionally, the model aims to define a guide line for a transformation from a regular e-government to a personalized version. The model is composed of the following five stages:

Presence: Presence stage is considered as the starting point of personalization after reaching a certain maturity level through any chosen maturity models. However, at this stage it becomes very clear as what type of services and information need to be personalized.

Semantic Adoption: this stage is the backbone of the personalization process. According to the chosen ontology the classification of information and e-services will be identified.

B. User Modeling: this phase represents the process of building a mechanism to construct a model about users’ behavior and characteristics. User models can be constructed on the fly or maintained through a user profile. However, either mechanism will handle the adaptation process based on the defined semantics

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