Explain the importance of sustainable development with reference to groundwater by giving example
The issue of sustainability is importantfor the development because development must happen in tandem with future. If natural resources are notsustained, it will cause a stagnation of development after a point of time. Exploiting resources unethically will ultimately undo the development that a country may have achieved. This is because in future, those resources willnot be available for further progress.
Answer: Sustainable development means a development in a manner that satisfies the demands of today without hampering or compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their needs by utilizing the resources. In lay man’s language it means using the resources in a manner that you and the future generations can use them tomorrow as well. It is important because of the reason that we may enjoy the gifts of nature, but cannot think of our generations to live without such benefits. It becomes our duty to use nature for the fulfillment of our needs and not our greed. Our development should not hamper the needs of the future generations. In the case of groundwater, we have utilized it to the maximum. It is a natural resource which is replenished by nature. People living in the areas with surplus water reserves should take care for its conservation. Efforts should be made not to overuse or degrade the quality of water. Recent evidences show that groundwater is under serious threat of disappearance. If suitable steps are not taken, it can pose serious consequences