Chemistry, asked by kasturi15, 1 year ago

explain the oxidation of copper powder​


Answered by Prithwish332


Cop­per ox­i­da­tion is a nat­u­ral process. Cop­per is an el­e­ment that be­longs to the group of met­als and holds 29th place on Mendeleev’s pe­ri­od­ic ta­ble. Cop­per, like all oth­er met­als, is ca­pa­ble of ox­i­da­tion, form­ing sta­ble bonds in the forms of ox­ides and salts. To un­der­stand what cop­per ox­ide is, you can look at an old bronze stat­ue which has been stand­ing for many years. The stat­ue will be of a light green col­or, be­cause the cop­per con­tained in bronze has ox­i­dized. A new bronze stat­ue will be the col­or of brick, but from moist air and car­bon diox­ide, over time the fol­low­ing re­ac­tion takes place:

2Cu + H₂O + CO₂ + O₂ → Cu­CO₃•Cu(OH)₂

This com­bi­na­tion of cop­per salt and hy­drox­ide is called mala­chite.There are many meth­ods of ox­i­diz­ing cop­per items. In in­dus­try, ox­i­dized cop­per is made by an­od­ic ox­i­da­tion, us­ing elec­trodes. This method, which re­quires spe­cial equip­ment, is a com­plex and ex­pen­sive process. Ox­i­da­tion at home is much more straight­for­ward.

kasturi15: Thanks
Prithwish332: welcome
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