Explain the parts of flower and their functions with the help of diagram.
Here is your answer...
The table describes the main parts of a flower and their functions:
Sepals- Protect the unopened flower
Petals-May be brightly coloured to attract insects
Stamens-The male parts of the flower (each consists of an anther held up on a filament)
Anthers-Produce male sex cells (pollen grains)
Stigma-The top of the female part of the flower which collects pollen grains
Ovary-Produces the female sex cells (contained in the ovules)
Nectary-Produce a sugary solution called nectar, which attracts insects
Thanks for reading.
Mark as brainliest.

●Stamen (Male part)
Anther - Contains pollens
Filament - Joins anther to the base of flower
●Pistil (Femalepart)
Stigma - Landing surface for pollen
Style- Pollen tube passes through it
Ovary - Contains ovules and forms fruit.
●Petal - Protects the reproductive structures
●Sepal - Protects the flower in it's bud form
●Receptacle- Connect the flower stalk with axis to support it
hope this will help you.