Biology, asked by dwivedishruti7735, 8 months ago

Explain the phenomena of dominance, multiple allelism and co-dominance taking human ABO blood group as an example.


Answered by sumitjadhav07463




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Answered by Agastya0606

Explanation of following phenomena with the help of example of ABO blood group of human.

  • DOMINANCE -The phenomena of dominance is when one allele is dominant over the other allele.Example - The Iᵃ and Iᵇ is dominant allele whereas ii is recessive ,when Iᵃ or Iᵇ expressed with ii the phenotype will always A or B blood group.
  • MULTIPLE ALLELISM -The phenomena of Multiple allelism is when there are three or more allele present in a population.Example - Human population have three different allele i.e, Iᵃ , Iᵇ and ii.
  • CO-DOMINANCE -The phenomena of co-dominance is when two allele are expressed co-dominantly.Example-The Iᵃ and Iᵇ when expressed together they show AB blood group phenotype.
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