explain the reforms introduced by chandragupta maurya
He established a strong central administration from Pataliputra by the guidance of his aacharya chankya
toll tax was imposed on article which were brought for sale.Taxes were levied on liquor shops, gambling houses and some professional.Some taxes were collected from forests and mines. From the revenue collected, the state provided various facilities like roads, irrigation, hospital and met other expenses of the state.
the mauryans also had a well laid recruitment policy. The soldiers were paid in cash salary.
The mauryans king had built forts at strategic places for safety and security of the empire.
The Administrative System of Chandragupta Maurya was strong and highly systematic. Luckily enough a clear picture of that administration is derived from two most important sources of history, namely, Kautilya’s Arthasastra and the Indika of Megasthenes which has survived in fragments in shape of extracts in the writings of other classical writers.
The king was the highest authority and was assisted by ministers and other state officers. Pataliputra was the capital of Mauryan Empire during the rule of Chandragupta Maurya.
King Chandragupta Maurya lived in pomp and splendor. He was carried in golden palanquins and used richly decorated elephants while going out on hunting. The Palace of Chandragupta Maurya symbolized the wealth and power of his empire.