explain the role of the following in the process of digestion in human body
a) liver
b) gastric juices
c) trypsin
d) lipase
e) bile juice
f ) Mucus
e) HCL
pls answer .. . .
explain the role of the following in the process of digestion in human body
a) liver
b) gastric juices
c) trypsin
d) lipase
e) bile juice
f ) Mucus
e) HCL
Digestion Process
The digestion process is a series of reactions of food with the digestive hormones and juices. This starts right from the oral cavity.
Why is digestion important?
It is an important process that breaks down the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals into simpler forms so that it can be absorbed easily into the body cells. During this process, proteins are converted into amino acids, carbohydrates are converted into simple sugars and fats are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol.
Many digestive enzymes and hormones act on food, at various stages during the process of digestion. The whole process occurs in a sequential manner.
(Source: Wikimedia)
The following table shows the digestive process in a simple format.
Digestive juices/enzymes added
Food that is broken down
Mouth Chewing Saliva Starch(Carbohydrate)
Oesophagus Peristalsis —- —-
Stomach Churning Stomach acid and Digestive Enzymes Proteins
Small Intestine Peristalsis Digestive Juices Carbohydrates, proteins, starch
Pancreas —– Pancreatic juice Carbohydrates, Fats, proteins
Liver —– Bile Fats
Large Intestine Peristalsis —- Bacteria act on the remaining food particles.
Mechanism of Digestion
The digestion process can be divided into different stages, such as digestion in the:
Oral cavity
Small intestine
Large intestine
Digestion includes a complex combination of mechanical and chemical processes. Some of the activities in the process include ingestion and propulsion of food, mechanical or physical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation.
Browse more Topics under Digestion And Absorption
Digestive System
Absorption and Assimilation
Disorders of Digestive System
Digestion in the Oral Cavity
When food is taken in through the mouth, chewing and mixing of the food occurs. There is also a chemical breakdown of carbohydrates, due to the action of saliva from the salivary glands. 30% of the starch is hydrolyzed by the action of amylase, which is a salivary enzyme. The other enzyme, lysozyme is an antibacterial agent that prevents infections.
Starch + Salivary amylase → Maltose
Mastication of food and swallowing of food are the important activities that take place here in the oral cavity. Food is broken down into smaller particles by the chewing action of teeth. As saliva is added, it mixes with the food particles, slowly moistening and lubricating the food. This small ball is called a bolus, which is then swallowed. The pharynx helps in the movement of the bolus into the oesophagus, from where it moves to the stomach through the peristaltic movements of the oesophagus.
Learn more about the Human Digestive System here in detail.
Digestion in the Stomach
When food reaches the stomach, it stays and it would or might take 4-5 days to digest
a) liver helps in digestion of fats
b) gastric juices in activate swallowed microorganisms.
c) trypsin helps in digestion of proteins
d) lipase digest butter fat in our body
f) mucus is used as a lubricant for materials that that must pass over membrane.
e) bile juice breakdown the fats into fatty acids
g)HCL break down the proteins into amino acids