Sociology, asked by rohan37682, 1 year ago

Explain the rules of mate selection


Answered by ajr11

Here is your essay on the rules of mate selection in Hindu Marriages !

All societies set restrictions on marriages by establishing rules governing certain aspects of marital relationships. The question of selecting the marriage partner has been given due consideration in Hindu view of life.


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In Hindu society, there are two kinds of rules regulating the selection of mates in marriage such as endogamy and exogamy.

1. Rules of Endogamy:

Endogamy is a rule that requires a person to select a spouse from within certain groups. These endogamous groups specifically refer to Varna, Caste and Sub-caste. .

Varna Endogamy:

Varna endogamy prescribes marriages between the members of same Varna. Marriage between the members of same varan was regarded as proper and ideal. The rules of endogamy were strictly followed and nobody dared to play violate them. According to Prabhu, “In practice the law of endogamy has come to play a varnas; according to this the, the endogamic circle is restricted within the orbit of each of the jaits. Of course, there were occasional instances of inter-varan marriage, but such a marriage was not considered desirable by the Hindu society.

Caste Endogamy:


Caste endogamy is the rule which prohibits the members of a caste to marry outside their own caste. A Hindu can marry someone within his or her own caste. According to the rule of caste endogamy, a Brahman is bound to marry within the Brahmin caste. Until recently, violation of this, rule was — seriously and punishment for violation may go up to ex-communication from the caste.

Sub-caste Endogamy:

Each caste is again subdivided into a number of sub-groups or sub castes ‘Each-of these sub-castes is endogamous group. According to this rule a person has not only to marry within his own caste but also within his sub-cast, For example a Kanyakubja boy has to marry a Kanyakubja girl. Thus the sub-caste endogamy further restricts the choice of selection of spouse to a still smaller group.

2. Rules of Exogamy:

Exogamy refers to the rule that man must marry someone outside his own group. It defines the range within which a person cannot marry. The ruts of exogamy pertain to three types, namely Gotra, Pravara and Sapinda.

Gotra Exogamy:

Gotra exogamy forbids marriages between members of the same gotra. Gotra originally meant a herd but later on it denoted the family or the clan. . The gotra of a Lily was named after some Rishi (ancestor) who founded the family in the past Hence, persons belonging to same gotra are supposed to be the offspring’s of the same ancestor and they are related by blood. Therefore, the members of same gotra forbidden to enter into marital relations. As Prabhu has remarked, whatever Chave been the origin of gotra, the exogamic rule relating to Hindu marriage, According to Grihya Sutras and the Dharma Sastras, is that no

Sapinda exogamy has not been followed in Indian society uniformly. Cross-cousin marriage was practised in ancient Hindu society as shown by Hindu mythology records. Kapadia has said that the rule of Sapinda exogamy was of the nature of a pious recommendation and remained so till the end of the eighth century.

Today this rule is followed by and large by all Hindus. The Hindu marriage Act, 1955 prohibits Sapinda marriage in general although it allows cross-cousin marriages as a peculiar custom in South India. Iravati Karve has said that marriage in the South is not arranged with a view to widen kin-group but each marriage strengthens already existing bonds and makes doubly near those people who were already very near him. But it will be irrational and illogical to link the practice of cousin marriage with strengthening of kinship bonds.

Hope it helps.

If you like my answer plz mark my as brainliest and thank me

Answered by titan93


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