Explain the rules regarding Annual General Meeting.
What is an Annual General Meeting?
An Annual General Meeting, commonly referred to as an AGM, is a formal meeting which is held once
a year. It is a legal requirement for voluntary organisations that have company status. It is good
practice for charities to have an AGM to act as a review of the year and deal with issues such as the
election of committee/board members and reviewing the annual accounts. Each individual
organisation should have a section of its Constitution which deals with AGMs, and this gives guidance
as to how the AGM should be run and what matters should be dealt with. Although it is a formal
meeting, it can also be a good opportunity to communicate with members, clients, partners and other
interested parties.
Again, each organisation should find guidance in its Constitution regarding when an AGM should take
place. It does need to take place following the end of your financial year when accounts have been
Committee/Board Nominations.
Your Constitution should also give guidance on electing committee or board members. It is advisable
to ask for nominations before the AGM, which should be proposed and seconded. Check whether
your constitution has rules about who is allowed to stand as a committee or board member.
Publicity and Invitations
It is usual for organisations to be required to give advance notice of the AGM. Your Constitution may
state that this notice needs to be made public, e.g. through the local newspaper, and by writing to
members 21 days prior to the event. A copy of the agenda (see below) should be sent along with the
invitation. Committee and Board members should attend, and normally staff and other volunteers are
encouraged to attend. Invitations may also go out to clients, and local decision-makers as
The venue needs to be as accessible as possible. Try to find out beforehand if attendees have
particular requirements, e.g. wheelchair access, translation services. It is useful if the venue has a
Running the AGM
The AGM is normally conducted by the Chair of the organisation. Minutes of the meeting should be
taken by the Secretary. A typical AGM agenda will cover the following items:
Opening remarks/Welcome
Minutes of previous AGM
Matters arising from the Minutes
Presentation of Annual Report (Chair/Secretary)
Adoption of Annual Report