Explain the similarities and differences between lanthanoid and actinoid.
At least 3 point each ...
→ Both involve filling of f orbital .
→ Both show contraction [ Lanthanoid & Actenoid contraction ]
→ Both show variable oxidation state.
→ Both are strong reducing agents.
→ Both have a tendency of complex formation .
→ Lanthanoids involve filling of 4f orbital and Actenoids involve filling of 5f orbital .
→ Lanthanoid contraction is greater than Actenoid contraction.
→ Lantanoid show only +2, +3 and +4 oxidation state. Actenoids show oxidation states upto +7.
→ Actenoids have less tendency of complex formation than Lanthanoids.
There are some similarities and differences between lanthanoid and actinoid.
→ Both are strong reducing agents.
→ Both have a tendency of complex formation .
→ Both involve filling of f orbital .
→ Both show variable oxidation state.
→ Lantanoid show only +2, +3 and +4 oxidation state. Actenoids show oxidation states upto +7.
→ Lanthanoids involve filling of 4f orbital and Actenoids involve filling of 5f orbital .
→ Actenoids have less tendency of complex formation than Lanthanoids.