explain the steps of parturition
Parturition involves the following three steps
1. Dilation stage
(i) Diladon stage means dilating the birth canal or passage though which baby is pushed out. In the beginning uterine contractions start irom top and baby is moved to cervix. Due to compression of blood vessels and movements of flexible joints in pelvic girdle, mother experierces labour pains.
(ii) Oxytocin is secreted later in more amount causing severe uterine contractions. This pushes baby in a head down position and closer to cervix.
(iii) Cervix and vagina both are dilated.
(iv) This stage lasts for about 12 hours.
(V) At the end, amniotic sac ruptures and amniotic liquid is passed out.
2. Expulsion stage :
(i) During second stage of about 20 to 60 minutes, the uterine and abdominal contractions become stronger.
(ii) Foetus moves out with head down pOsition through cervix and vagina.
(iii) The umbilical cord which connects the baby to placenta is tied and cut off close to the baby's nave.
3. After birth or placental stage : In the last stage of 10 to 45 minutes, once the baby is out then the placenta is also separated from uterire wall and is expelled out as after birth. This is accompanied by severe contractions of the uterus.
parturization is the process of childbirth after the generation period of about 280 days eaten while the powerful contraction uterine muscles instrument by oxytocin hormone and widening of pelvis by relaxin hormone