Sociology, asked by macherlasridhar1981, 8 months ago

explain the structure of police in a dustrict administration .​


Answered by missNAV143957



The police administration is built around police districts. Each police range comprises of four or more police districts, which coincide with the boundaries of the revenue districts. Organizationally, the district is further subdivided into police circles and police stations. The police circles are placed under the control of circle inspectors while the police stations are administratively managed by the Sis of police, which are known by several names in vernacular in different states.

Some police stations also have their police outposts or chowkis within their territorial jurisdiction, which are usually under the charge of head constables or assistant Sis of police depending on the importance of the place where an outpost is located.

For organisational purposes, a police station is the smallest field unit of police administration. Several states have abolished police inspectors in the wake of administrative reorganisation. The SP who heads the district police office, also coordinates the functions of the heads of the district police lines, district crime bureau, district special branch, district traffic branch and the district prose­cution branch

The volume of work which depends upon the size and special demographic characteristics of the district, generally determines the size of police network and the functions of the SP. As a police chief, he has to work in close liaison and collaboration with his administrative seniors at the range and state headquarters. The organisational chart given on the next page depicts the chain of command as it obtains in the police organisation of a typical district.

District Headquarters and the Office of the SP:

The district police organisation constitutes the hub of the Indian police system. On an average, an Indian district covers about 3,600 sq. miles and a population of over a million and a quarter people. In addition to providing administrative services, the district headquarters have a large jail and store-houses for clothing equipment, arms and ammunition.

Constables for the district are recruited and partly trained here. Armed police and sometimes, mounted police also have their reserve lines or barracks there. The CID organisation operates from its headquarters. Adequate discretion has been vested in the police authorities at this level and this facilitates a happy mediation between general directives and adjustment to specific circumstances.

Answered by heartless18




Each district in India has an officer-in-charge who represents the state governments in that area in the capacity of Collector, District Magistrate and District Officer. He is the head of the administration in the district and for theperformance of his functions he has a well-knit hierarchy in the district which will be dealt in the succeeding pages. The function of the Collector are well known; their keynote is „Quantity, not Quality‟;1 Whatever cannot be assigned to a well-defined or technical department is given to the Collector, but which ever serves as a source of strength to him like the control over the police is assigned to an outsider


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