Physics, asked by kavithakasala, 4 months ago

Explain the terms used for spherical mirrors.
(a) centre of curvature
(b) principal axis
(c) Radius of curvature
(d) principal focus
(e) pole (f) focal length


Answered by shivani0328


a) Centre of curvature: It is the centre of sphere of which the surface of the lens is a part

b) The principal axis is called a line that passes via the centre of the surface of a spherical mirror or lens and through the centre of curvature of all segments of the mirror or lens.

c) The radius of the sphere of which the mirror forms the part. Represented by “R”

d) The principal focus is defined as the point where a beam parallel to the principal axis appears to diverge converges from a point on the principal axis after passing through the lens.

e) The centre of reflecting surface. It is represented by letter P.


hope u understand..! dear☺️

Answered by brainlyuser156


(a) Centre of curvature is the centre of the sphere of which the spherical mirror is a part. (b) Radius of curvature is the linear distance between the pole and the centre of curvature. (c) Pole is the mid point of a spherical mirror. (d) Principal axis is an imaginary line passing through the pole and the centre of curvature of a spherical mirror. (e) Principal focus is a point on the principal axis, where a beam of light, parallel to the principal axis, after reflection, either actually meets (concave) or appears to meet (convex). (f) Focal length is the linear distance between the pole and the principal axis


hope it helps

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