English, asked by Ajeet3362, 1 year ago

Explain the theory of validity of knowledge (pramanyavada) according to mimamsakas. How did they criticize the nyara theory of validity?


Answered by shafeeqah81




Invalid knowledge or aprama is the wrong apprehension of an

object. If any knowledge lacks definiteness or certitude or does not

convey any new information or does not represent things as they

really are, it is invalid. Invalid knowledge is the manifestation of an

object which is actually not so. Hence it is an apprehension of a falsecognition in which the qualifier is not appropriately related to the

qualificant (visesa). All philosophers like astika and nastika are

attempted in their own way to analyse invalid knowledge and its

means. Different systems of Indian philosophy have forwarded

divergent opinions with regard to the theory ofinvalid knowledge and

its variety.

Nyaya Theory ofInvalid Knowledge :

In Indian epistemology knowledge is mainly of two kinds,

valid knowledge (vidya) and invalid knowledge (avidya). Valid

knowledge is what apprehends an object in its real nature. Invalid

knowledge is what apprehends an object as different from it1. Valid

1. tattvanubhavah prama, atattvajnanam aprama. SP.,p.59.

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