Explain the various duties of a consumer.
The various duties of a consumer are as follows:
1.Consumers must know rights and should exercise them.
2.Consumer should try and assess the quality of the products they intend to buy. They should ask retailers to what extent guarantees that come with the products and services are actually enforceable. They should preferably purchase products bearing quality mark such as ISI and Agmark.
3.They must insist for a cash memo, duly signed , stamped, dated by the retailer. The same goes for the warranty or guarantee card.
4.Consumer should form consumer awareness organisations which can be given representation in various committees formed by the government in matters relating to consumers.
5.Consumers must make complaint giving details of the genuine grievances. Even if the value of goods involved in the Complaints is small,the impact of complaints about defective goods or services will be substantial.
1. Critical Awareness
The responsibility to be more alert and questioning about the use of, and the price and quality of goods and services we use.
2. Action
The responsibility to assert ourselves and act to ensure that we get a fair deal. Remember that as long as we remain passive consumers, we will continue to be exploited.
3. Social Concern
The responsibility to be aware of the impact of our consumption on other citizens, especially the poor, exploited, disadvantaged or powerless groups, whether in the local, national or international community.
4. Environment Awareness
The responsibility to understand the environmental consequences of our consumption. We should recognize our individual and social responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect the earth for future generations.
5. Solidarity
The responsibility to organize together as consumers to develop the strength and influence to promote and protect our interests